Thursday, February 02, 2006

Horse Hands at the Phoenix Zoo!

Did you know that the Phoenix Zoo offers horsemanship classes to children ages 7-14 and to adults? The zoo offers a program called Horse Hands right on zoo grounds, where children and adults learn about animal observation, bonding, caregiving and basic horsemanship and riding skills. The program is designed to develop a caring relationship between participants and the horses. For children, the program consists of four levels, where each level guides the children to new skill levels. It is a great way for parents to permit their children to explore the world of horses without the need to commit to more than 4 weeks at a time. And gaited horse lovers, you'll be delighted to know that one of the horses used is a Tennessee Walking Horse with a wonderfully gentle disposition.
As a horse owner you may be frequently asked about giving lessons to children or beginning adults but may not have schooling horses or time available. The Horse Hands Program provides an excellent opportunity. If you are the parent or grandparent of a child asking for an chance to explore the world of horses and don't have a ready resource, you might wish to consider this program.
For more information, visit the zoo's website for information on the Horse Hands Program.

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