Saturday, July 07, 2007

This Week's Featured Horse Art

This week's featured art is Abby by Julia Shepherd

"This young filly is named Abby. She is a Sabino paint foal out of a Tennessee Walking Mare and a Missouri Fox Trotter Stallion. The original portrait is an oil on acrylic. Abby was playing in the pasture and just getting ready to explode into a full-tilt gallop when I snapped the picture from which I developed her portrait."

That is how artist Julia Shepherd describes this beautiful painting. Buy something unique for your home or office. This painting is sold with a variety of framing and matting styles or as an unframed print. You can select the artist's recommendations or choose your own frame, with or without matting. Or frame it yourself when your print arrives.

This artist has other horse artwork available. Visit her online gallery to see what she is up to.

New art featured weekly, courtesy of the artists at ImageKind.

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Congratulations to the Carousel Charity Horse Show

Now that Carousel Charity Horse Show is over and all the dust has settled, I wanted to send a big CONGRATULATIONS to all who participated in the show this year. The show was really great and I think everyone who attended or exhibited really enjoyed the show and appreciated all the hard work done by the show committee.
I wanted to particularly congratulate the Tennessee Walking Horse exhibitors for the great job they did in supporting the show after much hard work involved in getting the natural TWH into the show. It was refreshing to see the more natural horse and to see that the Tennessee Walking Horse is such a versatile horse and does not require drastic measures in order to put the horses before the public. Great job!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ultimate Browbands - A Great Horse Accessory

While at the Carousel Charity Horse Show this weekend I ran up on the coolest horse accessory, Ultimate Browbands. Ultimate Browbands are leather bridle brow bands that are wrapped with satin, velvet and metallic ribbons. You can select the colors and pattern of your browband to match your horse, your tack or riding apparel. Ultimate Browbands are great for horse shows, drill teams, parade units, showing off your horse club colors or for just having fun with. The Ultimate Browbands website has a link to their current ribbon color selection and it looks like you can make your choices when placing your order. You can also visit their site to see a photo of the Ultimate Browband. These colorful browbands look like they could really be a fun way to change up your horse's look and show him off. Be sure to check them out.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Blister Beetle Poisoning in Alabama

Reports of blister beetle poisoning in Alabama are true. All cases believed to have come from a common hay source/broker that appears to have originated in Eastern Colorado. Blister beetles unfortunately go with alfalfa.

This outbreak reminds us to watch hay carefully & buy from reputable
sources. Good hay growers handle the problem well. The current
shortage of local hay in the region leads to alfalfa that may have originally been
intended for cattle consumption winding up in the horse markets. Also
hay may get diverted in transit via broker trades due to local

A toxin carried by the beetles causes painful blisters when it touches skin or mucous membranes. Symptoms of blister beetle poisoning are salivation, colic, diarrhea, frequent urination, shock and death. It only takes a small number of dead beetles in a bale of hay to kill a horse or other livestock. The poison has no antidote. The beetles are easy to see in hay, so livestock owners are encouraged to be vigilant.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Carousel Charity Horse Show - March 15-18, 2007

"Magic of the Carousel"
Music, Horses and Children of All Ages

Featuring performances of the Scottsdale Symphony Orchestra
and Arizona Elite Dance Institute
Saturday, March 17, evening exhibitors will compete to the sounds of the Scottsdale Symphony Orchestra playing live and there will be exciting performances by the Arizona Elite Dance Institute. Tickets for spectators will be $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for children. Exhibitors will receive passes. This promises to be a unique and elegant event that you will not want to miss!

March 15-18, 2007
WestWorld - Scottsdale, Arizona
Mark you calendars now!
Carousel Charity Horse Show Information

White Jumper Carousel White Jumper Carousel
provided by:
Brandi Jasmine's Art Gallery

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I Just Found My Ex-husband's Next T-shirt

I just came across this design and it says a lot. For those men who aren't horse lovers and can't deal with a wife who is, here's the shirt for you. "My next wife won't own horses"

So Ladies, step up and get that former non-horse-loving husband a great gift for his birthday, Father's Day, Fourth of get the idea.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Valentine's Day Designs for Horse and Mule Lovers

We have new Valentine's Day designs for horse lovers. Now you can let everyone know that your favorite gaited horse is right at the top of your sweetheart list. We have several designs available for Tennessee Walking Horse, Paso Fino, Peruvian Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, American Saddlebred, Gaited Mule, Rocky Mountain Horse, Missouri Fox Trotting Horse, Icelandic Horse, your favorite horse and some of your favorite horse people, too.

Get your favorite horse Valentine's Day design on T-shirt, Keepsakes, Sweatshirts, Gifts, buttons, magnets and more.