Monday, January 30, 2006

My Gaited Horse Has My Heart!

Take a look at the new t-shirts for horse lovers. The new My Horse Has My Heart line features a big red heart with the words, “my Horse has my heart”. The t-shirts and other apparel and gift items also feature the same design with, “my Horse-aholic has my heart”, “my Horse Show Hubby has my heart”, and more. Also available are Poop-er Scooper, Horse Addict, Gaited Horse, Mule and Gaited Mule. You will also find items sporting the design for Paso Fino, Classic Fino, Tennessee Walker, Plantation Horse and Lite Shod Horse.

Visit AZ Gaited Horses Online Store to shop for these new products. They make great year-round gifts and are perfect for Valentine’s Day, too!

February Merry-Go-Round Horse Show

Merry-Go-Round Horse Show has a new venue for it's February show. Empty Acres, the new Buckeye, Arizona, horse facility is the location of this show which features classes for American Saddlebred, Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Morgan, Arabian, Tennessee Walking Horse and Missouri Fox Trotter horse breeds. Also, the show offers Open division and Academy classes.
The shows dates are February 11-12, 2006. Saturday's schedule is filled with Peruvian Paso, Paso Fino, Tennessee Walker, Fox Trotter, Mangalarga Marchador and all gaited classes. Also on Saturday there will be Academy, American Saddlebred, Morgan, Friesian and Open division classes. Sunday will feature Saddlebred, Morgan, Friesian, Academy, Equitation, and Open division classes.
For more information, call 480-221-6430.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Horse New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions straight from the horses' mouths! Show everyone how sharp your show, trail or pleasure horse is with our Horse New Year's Resolutions. Your horse's list of New Year's Resolutions include promises like:

  • I will not walk faster on the way home than on the way out.
  • I will not jump over imaginary objects when the whim stikes.
  • I will not chase the ponies into the electric fence to see if it is on.
  • I will not have an attitude problem. I won't! I won't! I won't!
  • I will not bite my farrier's butt just because it is there.
  • I will accept that not every carrot is for me -- well, maybe!
So whether you ride a gaited horse or not you are sure to get a chuckle from your horse's New Year's Resolutions.